This fall the Lutheran Church of Our Savior will be undergoing a financial campaign titled Vibrant Visions. The goal is to raise critical funds for both the care of our building and the missional outreach in our communities, which we are called to as Jesus followers. Our church wants to have the resources available to meet the needs in our community and in our congregation. Let us open our hearts and minds over the next month to hear God’s Will in this effort. Remember Vibrant Visions is a campaign that is seeking to raise funds over and above our regular giving. It is vitally important that our regular giving continues at the same (or increased) level to support the day to day expenses of the church.
Four Campaign Goals
Goal 1: Make an effort to repay the money loaned to us by The Foundation for the repair of the Glory Window, tuck pointing and resurfacing of our parking lot.
Goal 2: Fund upcoming building repairs- Our Property Management Team’s future planning has identified needed repairs on our horizon. It is our hope to have access to funds that will cover these expenses without tapping into The Foundation funds. Our facility is one of our biggest assets and is something that we hope can be more utilized by our community.
Goal 3: Support and expand our community service. We seek to be stronger and more vibrant in living and proclaiming the Gospel in our community. We seek to become a vital presence of Jesus to our neighbors. We don’t want the sole focus of our church to be on building repairs. Do you know that it costs approximately $6,500 in donations to give weekend food bags to the kids of DECA prep over the school year? Who could we help if we had more funds available to serve those in need within our community?
Goal 4: Fund more focused advertisement and promotion of the church. We have added new members over the past few years via advertisement and participation in community events like Dayton Pride. How much more growth might we experience with an advertising budget and a strategic plan. We believe we have a wonderful community of faith to offer, we need only help people find us.
Commitment Weekend will be November 12 and 13. During worship that weekend, the congregation will receive an intent card and each family will be asked to pledge. It is very important that each member please take the time to fill out and submit an intent card (even those opting not to give). It is our goal to garner a response from each member. Following commitment weekend, member volunteers will be calling to follow up with those who have not submitted an intent card. For those who will not be in worship during this time (or you have questions) you may contact the church office at 937-293-1147 as we can mail you a pledge card that you can return to the church office OR take verbal pledges over the phone. We are seeking a completed intent card from every member of our congregation. Thanks for your help in this endeavor!