Activities and Fellowship
Monday Night Bible/Book Study
On Zoom

The Monday evening study group meets online via Zoom at 6:30pm most Mondays. Topics are studied in-depth, but you can join in at anytime. If you are interested in hopping on, please email our church office for the current Zoom invite code.
Everyone is welcome!-- please feel free to join us.
We’re going to put what we learn into practice.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
A community of women who are committed to grow in faith, to support one another and engage in Christian action.

Evening/Weekend Women's Group
The Evening/Weekend Women's Group is for all women, but many working moms attend. Service work for the church and community is often combined with breakfast or lunch fellowship.
Past activities include: making health kits for Lutheran World Relief, attending the We Care Arts Fall Fundraiser, going to La Comedia to see the Church Basement Ladies and visiting the Patterson Homestead for tea.
There are not regular meeting dates, but most meetings are outside of regular business work hours. If you are interested in receiving email notices for this group, click the button below.
Sewing Circle

The Sewing Circle has been serving those in need for over 50 years. In 2017, 41 quilts, 15 layettes and health kits were sewn and sent to Lutheran World Relief. Additionally, 110 hats and scarves were sent to First Lutheran Church (Dayton) for the homeless.
The Sewing Circle meets twice a month--see church calendar for dates and times.
If you like to sew, this lively group is for you!